Tuesday, March 18, 2008

It's A Girl!

Baby Isabella arrived yesterday at 5:25 pm. She is soooo cute. She has a head full of black curly hair. Thank you to all who prayed. She is perfect, healthy and adorable.

Monday, March 17, 2008


I know I ask y'all to pray all the time, so it won't come as a shock to you that I am asking again. They are taking my friend for an emergency C-section. I know that God will take care of it all.

Blessing - knowing that I have praying friends. I love y'all.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Beautiful Day

Isn't it gorgeous outside? I soooo did not want to come back from lunch today. I got my car washed because it was all yucky from the snow and salt. It was so pretty and shiny in the bright sun!

Not too much going on. Baseball practice started last week, so that is going to keep me busy through mid-June. Caleb really enjoys playing and he is pretty good. Out of all the kids trying out in his age group, he was drafted 2nd. I was impressed! He likes playing 3rd and 1st bases, so I hope he gets to do that again this season.

M&K's baby update: C-section is scheduled for March 24th. I am really excited for them. Matt seems nervous, but he will be fine.

Blessing for today - beautiful day and my sister brought me lunch.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Answered Prayers

Thank you, thank you, Jesus!

Fluid levels are up; no C-section today!! Yay!!

Monday, March 3, 2008

I Need Everyone to Pray, Please...

...For my friend Kami. She is pregnant and not due until April 1st. The doctor told her today that her fluid is very low and that if it is not better by Wednesday she will need a C-Section then. This means little Isabella will be about 4 weeks premature. Please say a prayer for Isabella, Kami, and Matt.

I love y'all, and thanks for the prayers.