Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Back to the Land of the Living

Sorry it's taken me so long to post.

My surgery went well. The surgeon found lots of endometriosis, which we expected, and adhesions (scar tissue). He was able to get most of it but still wants me to take Lupron injections for 6 months to take care of the rest. These injections will put me in menopause temporarily. Good times.

Today is my first day back at work. It has been pretty slow so far because the weather is yucky and people are calling to cancel. I'm still a little sore and tired so it's fine with me.

Mom went back to Florida yesterday. Caleb had to get two fillings at the dentist. He fell asleep during his fillings. Crazy. I hate the dentist and there is no way I could nap while in the chair. He just dozed off then he jumped and it scared all of us to death. It was funny.

I hope everyone has a great day!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Surgery Tomorrow

I am having surgery tomorrow. The procedure will start around 1pm. Prayers appreciated.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Great Idea, Tam!

Things I love (in no particular order):
My family
my job
my house
fleece pajama pants
a baby's laugh
funny movies
the Vols
The Predators

Things I don't like:
the Ravens
the Red Wings
puck bunnies
pap smears (doing them OR getting them)
when Caleb is sick or sad

That was fun! You should try it!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Another Year Older

I'm 32 today. When am I going to outgrow zits? Seriously, I am having the worst breakout around my mouth.

This past weekend Caleb and I were two of the unfortunate 68,000 who froze our butts off just to watch the Titans lose. It was so sad. And cold. And wet.

Not too much going on this week. I am in surgery countdown mode - one week from tomorrow! Mom and Dad are coming in on Monday. Dad has to be in town on business and Mom is coming to take care of me and Caleb. I really need to clean my house.

Gotta run - big boss just walked in (Ellen).

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Still Employed

I still have my job... ha, ha!

Today I am officially back to my normal routine. Mom left this morning to go back to Florida. She will be back here in two weeks because that is when I am having my surgery. January 21st to be exact.

Today has been a busy day at work. All of the doctors have completely full schedules and people are still walking in to be seen. Thankfully we have an extra doctor today to take care of the overflow. It's crazy here!

After work I will pick up Caleb and then go home and cook supper. We will probably have some kind of chicken or maybe mexican food. We shall see.

Have a great day!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Rainy Monday

It's raining and cold. Yuck. I'm glad I work inside.

I played a practical joke on my boss (Matt) today. He doesn't know it yet. We have a sweet little patient who always brings us bags of microwave popcorn(already popped) when he comes in for his appointments. Matt hates the smell of buttered popcorn. It makes him sick. I ususally just throw it away after the patient leaves but today I thought I would do something fun. When Matt went into a room to see another patient, I took his car keys off his desk and took the popcorn out to his car. It will have been shut up in the car for a good 2 hours before he leaves tonight. He is going to kill me :)

I'll let you know if I still have a job tomorrow.

Friday, January 2, 2009

New Year

Happy New Year!

New Year's Eve was fun. I went to Dugger's with Karen, Jay, Trish, and Jake. We sang karaoke. Good times. Last night Caleb and I went to see the Preds play. They lost. We still had a good time, though. Work has been slow today. That's weird because the day after a holiday is usually crazy busy. Not too much going on other than that.

Have a great day!