Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Back to the Land of the Living

Sorry it's taken me so long to post.

My surgery went well. The surgeon found lots of endometriosis, which we expected, and adhesions (scar tissue). He was able to get most of it but still wants me to take Lupron injections for 6 months to take care of the rest. These injections will put me in menopause temporarily. Good times.

Today is my first day back at work. It has been pretty slow so far because the weather is yucky and people are calling to cancel. I'm still a little sore and tired so it's fine with me.

Mom went back to Florida yesterday. Caleb had to get two fillings at the dentist. He fell asleep during his fillings. Crazy. I hate the dentist and there is no way I could nap while in the chair. He just dozed off then he jumped and it scared all of us to death. It was funny.

I hope everyone has a great day!

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