Thursday, August 28, 2008


I got tagged.
Here’s how you play:
Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird, random things, facts, habits, or goals about yourself. At the end choose 10 people to be tagged, listing their names and why you chose them. Don’t forget to leave them a comment (you’re it) and to read your blog. You can’t tag the person that tagged you. Since you can’t tag me back, let me know when you’ve posted your blog so I can see your answers.

1. Midgets freak me out.
2. So do birds.
3. I love to make people laugh.
4. I love fireworks. Seriously. I love the 4th of July. I could spend every dime I have on fireworks.
5. Tardiness is my biggest pet peeve.
6. I can stomach just about anything. I can clean poop, pee, vomit, or blood, but I cannot stand earwax. Yuck!
7. I would love to learn to play piano.
8. I like to eat peanut butter straight from the jar.
9. I also like peanut butter on my waffles.
10. I am really good at giving shots. My patients tell me all the time that they don't even feel it.
I tag:
Karen and Tammy, because they are the only people who haven't done it yet.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


First, thank you to everyone out there praying for my family. It means more than you know.

PaPa is not doing well. He is still in the hospital and is still very agitated and not eating. He doesn't recognize people and thinks my Mom is his sister. His blood pressure is up now and they are trying to get it down so they can send him home. Mom arrived safely and is at the hospital now. Please continue to pray.

On a lighter note, I have a praise report! Earlier this year when I did my taxes I found out that I was going to have to pay a huge chunk of change to the government. This was very frustrating to me because I really didn't have the extra money laying around, but that's the way it goes, I guess. So yesterday when I got home, I had a refund check in the mail for almost $500! Praise the Lord! I was shouting in my living room and running around waving the check thanking the Lord for such a wonderful blessing on what had been, until then, a really lousy day. God is soooo good all the time, and knows how to give you that extra boost of goodness right when you need it most. Thank you, Jesus.

Love y'all.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Please Pray

My mom just called. Granny told her that PaPa is very bad and he probably won't make it through the day. The hospice nurse told Granny to call an ambulance and have him taken to the hospital, which I don't fully understand, since he is a hospice patient. Usually you don't take hospice patients to the hospital just because they are actively dying. That's the whole point of hospice, to let them die in peace at home. Anyway, that wasn't really supposed to be the focus of this blog. I really just need you all to pray for my family today. My mom is driving up here now. Please pray for her safety on the roads. Karen is taking this really hard. Just pray for all of us, please. Thank you, and I love you all.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Long Day

I woke up this morning at 5:30. It's Saturday for goodness sake! I could not go back to sleep. So I watched TV until it was time to get Caleb up for ball practice. I had to meet his coach at Hastings at 8:30 so he could ride with him. I got a little housework done while he was at practice. They practiced for more than 2 hours! Then we came home and got ready for Drew's 1st birthday party. There was a balloon animal maker there. He was amazing! I have never seen someone who could make so many things out of balloons. He made a car. It was big enough for Drew to sit in. He also made Ariel from The Little Mermaid, complete with purple shell bra. It was unreal. He made a palm tree with a monkey in it. That was my favorite.

I went to buy shoes for Caleb today. He is in adult sized shoes now, which means more $$. Shoes are expensive! When it comes to sneakers, I don't buy cheap. Sorry, I'm a sneaker snob. I save everywhere else, so I splurge on our kicks. He has had the same pair of Under Armour shoes for about 6 months, and they finally gave out. Under Armour is his current obsession. He has shoes, socks, underwear, hats, and shirts (long, short, and no-sleeves - perfect for every season). He wanted another pair of UAs, so I went to 2 different stores to find them and neither of them had them to fit him. I finally ended up special ordering them and having them shipped to the house. He has another pair he can wear until they arrive. So far, shoes are the only thing he doesn't let me pick out for him. He has, thus far, been pleased with my clothing choices. We'll see how long that lasts.

Gotta run - Caleb wants to play on the computer. Love y'all!

Friday, August 22, 2008


This week has been forever-long. I am so glad it's Friday. I have nothing to do tonight. Actually, I really need to get busy cleaning my nasty house. Since we were gone last weekend, I didn't have time to clean. I will start tonight. I got a new dishwasher last week! I remember a time when a new dishwasher would have meant nothing to me. Now, it's like Christmas! Caleb is going skating with his friend Daniel tonight, so I will have the house to myself for a while tonight. Well, Sara might be there, but that's OK. We always have a good time together, even if we aren't doing anything but watching "The Soup" while she is on her Mac and I read a magazine. I love me some Say-Say.

I am at work right now. It's really slow and boring. Matt went to Buffalo for a funeral so I have nothing to do but watch my message basket and do refills. And blog, of course. If I was a good nurse, I would go through his mail for him. The day is young - I might get to it.

So, you may ask, what do I have on tap for the weekend? Well, Caleb has ball practice tomorrow, then we are going to my friend Melissa's house for her son Drew's first birthday party. Church Saturday night. After that, who knows.

Have a safe weekend. Love y'all!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Weekend Fun

I am worn out from this past weekend. Caleb and I went to Wilderness in the Smokies Resort with Matt, Kami, and their kids, and Jamie, Ann-Michele, and their boys. The resort has a waterpark. The kids loved it. The adults did, too, but it was much more fun for the young ones. The weather was perfect. I will post some pics when I get time.

Yesterday was Caleb's first kid-pitch baseball game. They lost. We were playing a team that has been playing kid-pitch for 3 seasons and they whuped us good. The pitcher looked like he was playing in the majors. We fielded well, but we could not get our bats going. Caleb was a little disappointed, but he got over it fast.

For those who didn't read it on Sara's blog, our PaPa is not doing well. He took a turn this weekend and is on major pain meds. The hospice nurse was supposed to have a hospital bed brought in on Monday. Please continue to pray for our family.

That's all for now. Love y'all.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

It's Not Good...

My PaPa went to the doctor yesterday. He told him that he has about 3 months to live. They sent him home with hospice care. He has also been complaining of headaches and confusion. They are going to do a CT scan to see if there are any brain mets. If there are, they can treat them with radiation. I don't think they will find anything. His headaches and confusion predate the cancer. I know that you all are praying and it means more to me than you know. Thank you from me and my family. Someone asked me why I'm not praying for his complete healing. I tried to pray that way. I just didn't feel right about it. It's not that I don't think he can be healed. I know that God can heal him right now if he wants. I just don't feel in my heart that I should be praying that way. I feel like the Lord is telling me that it is almost his time to go and that I need to pray that he gives his heart to Jesus before he's gone. I feel like my focus needs to be on spiritual, not physical, healing. I so want him to go to heaven. I want my family to know that he is going to heaven. I want my Mom and Aunt Kim to know that he has made peace before he leaves.

Please continue to pray. I love y'all.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Prayer Request

My PaPa Frizzell is very sick. He has lung cancer and it has now spread to both lungs and some lymph nodes. He is getting weaker. I'm afraid he won't be with us much longer, and he is not saved. My Granny and mom and her brothers and sisters are hurting so much. It breaks my heart. Please keep him and my family in your prayers.


To my Mama Judy, whom I love and miss more than anyone could ever imagine.

And especially to Mandy and Lori. I am thinking of you today. I love you.

Thursday, August 7, 2008


So Mr. Patchouli-man came back today!!! I am going to be sick! The whole office reeks. Apparently, dude left his cell phone and came back to get it today. Everyone is commenting on the smell, and everyone has a different theory on what the smell resembles. Some say disinfectant, others say bug spray, and Matt says penicillin mold. I say ick. It is truly disgusting. I implore anyone who has made the choice to wear this horrific fragrance to please reconsider. If you must wear it, keep it at home. Shower before leaving the house. Think of the children.

I need a shower. It's all over me. Now I have a headache.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Tuesday Blues

So, it's Tuesday and I am, once again, bored at work. I hate when we don't have patients scheduled because I have nothing to do but stare at my computer. Matt came back just a few minutes ago so he will probably give me some stuff to get me through the rest of the day. Mostly we just goof off when it's just us here. Tomorrow is nursing home day. That means that the first half of the day Matt makes rounds at the nursing home, then we see patients in the office from 2-6.

I encountered a gentleman today who smelled just awful. Matt says he smells like penicillin mold. He said the hippie-chicks in college smelled like that. Must be a med school thing - I don't have a clue what penicillin mold smells like. I do know that this was the worst smell ever, but a familiar bad smell. My friend Kathy and I sat in front of this guy at a Preds game one time and he smelled equally terrible and Kathy says that he smells like patchouli. I looked it up on the internet and it's an herb used in many perfumes. I don't know any reasonable person who would intentionally go about smelling that way. It's just so bad. Moral of the story - stay away from patchouli. Trust me on this one.

I registered Caleb for school today. I can't believe he is going into the third grade! He is growing up right before my eyes. He is such a good kid. He is so funny and smart and he has such a big heart. I am so blessed.

Caleb has baseball tonight. Hopefully it will cool down some by 7 pm. He has been pitching really well and he seems to like it.

Thanks for all the prayers for LaNada's little girl. I haven't heard anything new, but I promise to keep you posted. Keep praying.

Love Y'all!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Urgent Prayer Request

Many of you know Freddie and Juanita Harding. My mom got an email today from their daughter, LaNada. She and her husband are missionaries in Indonesia. Their daughter, Alaiyah, was bitten by a spider a week or so ago and seemed to be doing better, but in the last 36 hours she has taken a turn for the worse. She has been through painful procedures to try to drain the pus from her little leg. She is very swollen and has a very high fever. I believe in a God who heals and I know that you do, too, so please lift Alaiyah up in prayer today. Pray also for LaNada and Nathan, and for the Indonesian doctors who are treating her.

Thank you, Jesus.


Friday, August 1, 2008

New Treat!

Today at lunch I went to Sonic. Not a healthy choice, but it's really close to work and I didn't have much time. Anyway, they have a new ice cream treat called the Fried Ice Cream Blast. It's vanilla ice cream with caramel sauce and pieces of fried ice cream stuff mixed in. I am not a huge ice cream fan, but I used to get fried ice cream at the Mexican restaurant when I was little and I loved the crispy cinnamon part. So I got it and it is delish! MmmMmm.

Today has been a pretty slow day at work. Everyone is out enjoying the sunshine, I guess. It's good that no one is sick, but it makes my day go slowly. If not for physicals, we wouldn't have anyone on the schedule today.

This weekend is going to be busy. We are having family portraits made tomorrow at Cannonsburg. I have to find a white button-down shirt. Dad, Caleb, and Jay are wearing their shirts from the wedding, but I don't have one. Gotta find one quickly! Sunday is our family reunion on the Merrell side. It's all the way in Camden, which makes for a long, tiring day. I am not much of a social butterfly, so I don't like mingling with people I don't know, even if I am related to ALL of them. I will stick close to Jay and Karen.

Have a great weekend! Love y'all!!