Friday, August 31, 2007

Nervous for Nothing

My first rehearsal with the band went great! I totally rocked, and everybody said so. I don't know why I get so nervous. After I sang my second song, the drummer said "That song has sucked for seven years, until tonight." He was saying it to joke with and take jabs at the 2 ladies who usually sing lead on that song, but I still took it as a huge compliment. Everyone made me feel right at home and I had a lot of fun.

I am so very bored at work today. Matt is out, so it's just me today. I'm just answering the phone and refilling prescriptions for the next 6 hours. BOOOOORING! Caleb has a football game tomorrow at 3, which means I get to sleep late for the first time in I can't remember how long. Woo Hoo! He also needs a haircut. He's working on a white-man's afro right now. I just never have time to take him. I only like to take him to one place - Drake's Barber Shop in the 'Boro. That guy always cuts his hair right. He likes a flat top, super short on the sides, but not bald. I let my friend Chris cut his hair almost bald one time. Caleb looked like a make-a-wish kid. Anywho, He has school pics next week and football pics the next, so a haircut is a must. Come to think of it, I need one, too.

My Titans won last night! I didn't get to see much, but I heard it was great! I can't wait for the regular season. Also, my Vols play on Saturday night in prime time, thank you very much. I am going to Matt's house to watch it in HD. He won't be there, so Caleb and I will chill at his house for the evening. He has a great house - it should be fun.

Go Big Orange!! See y'all later!

Thursday, August 30, 2007

First Rehearsal

OK, everybody, I have my first rehearsal with Soul Incision tonight. I am extremely nervous. I am a great singer so I shouldn't be, right? I feel like I'm gonna puke.

Karen, thanks for your help tonite. I know it's hot and football practice is no fun. I love you.

Y'all pray!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Baby Nonsense

My dear friend Melissa had a baby today. I haven't seen him yet, but she says he looks like his dad. My uncle's wife had a baby a few days ago. People keep asking me "doesn't it make you want another one?" NO! I am happy with the one I have. It's hard to improve on Caleb. He's smart, funny, athletic, and good looking. Now, if I can just get him to stop peeing on the toilet seat...

Today was much better than yesterday. Doc was in a much better mood, so that automatically makes the day better. AND we got some much needed rain - thank you, Lord!

On Wednesdays, Karen or Jay picks up Caleb for me because I work late. This is a huge help to me, and Karen usually cooks dinner, so I don't have to. So If Caleb has already done his homework, all I have to do when we finally get home tonight is bath and bed. Woo hoo!

Here comes doc. One more patient and I'm done. See y'all later!

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Welcome, Baby Something!

I am so stinkin' busy. I feel like I am running a marathon all the time. The alarm goes off at 5:30 and I don't get back home until after 8:00 every night. If not for Jesus, I would be at the Parthenon on a regular basis. I need a vacation. My doc is on my nerves today. He is very rarely in a bad mood, but today... well, today he is. We all have our days, I guess. He puts up with my moods, I guess I shouldn't complain.

I have a new cousin! My uncle Rob and his wife Lurese had a baby boy, named Something Daniel Frizzell. They haven't picked a first name yet. We already have a Daniel Frizzell, so they can't use Daniel as the first name. Not that it isn't a fine name (just in case this gets back to Daniel - I got nothin' but love for ya!). Something is really cute, and does not appear to have Rob's nose (can I get an Amen?) and he has a head full of black hair.

Caleb's team won this weekend, 27-0. He scored the last extra point. I nearly cried. I kinda felt bad for the team we played because they were an inner city team and their uniforms didn't match and they just were not very good. They did score once, but it got called back on a hold. Bless their hearts. We play this Saturday at home at 3:00, if y'all want to come. Bring chairs, because we don't have bleachers on field 2.

I am out of blog fodder now. See y'all soon!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Good Times...

First, a quick weekend update: Caleb's football team won 6-0 against the Franklin Cowboys. We have beaten them 2 weeks straight! Caleb had a couple of great tackles and a fumble recovery. It was dreadfully hot! Then we went to the Titans' game Saturday night. It was also dreadfully hot. We had to wait for the sun to go down behind the stadium so we could go to our seats. We hung out in the Pro Shop for a while because a.) Caleb's dad was in there, b.) it was right outside our section, and c.) it was air conditioned. The air really didn't matter because there were about 500 people in there. Church on Sunday was awesome! We had a surprise guest speaker, Ben Kinchlow, former co-host of the 700 Club. His message was great!

Monday was uneventful, except that I thought Caleb had really hurt his knee at practice. Praise the Lord, he just twisted it and he is fine.

Today has turned out to be a pretty good day. We only have clinic in the morning on Tuesdays, so I have the afternoon to catch up on paperwork. And Blog. I got an email and a phone call from Dr. Pinson and Debbie Kemp from the band "Soul Incision." It is made up of staff from Vanderbilt. They are awesome and they heard me sing at Matt's reception and approached me about doing some gigs with them. We have been in contact a few times since then, but now I actually have dates for gigs! Yay! I am so excited! I will get to show off in front of LOTS of people. Fun stuff, good times.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

A Quick Funny...

On the way to football practice last night we were listening to the oldies station and that song by Queen "Another one Bites the Dust" came on and Caleb started singing along. Only he was singing "Another one fights the dust-AH" with great emphasis on the AH over and over again. I was cracking up on the inside - I didn't want him to stop so I couldn't laugh out loud. It reminded me of when Karen was little and she would sing "There's flour in the blood." Kids are funny.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

My First Blog

I will dedicate this first blog to Wendy. I have been keeping up with her blog for a while now, so I figure I should let her in on what's up with me. Not that it's all that interesting, but here goes. Let me bring you up to speed. I am 30 years old, I have a tall and handsome son named Caleb - he is 7 years old and one of the most entertaining people I have ever met. He will be starting 2nd grade next week. Freaky! I have a 7 year old!! I live in the 'Boro with my cousin Sara. Sara is my bestest friend. We have always been close, but moreso since she moved in last year. My other bestest friend is my sis, Karen. She used to live with me, but now she lives across town. I am a nurse. I love my job. I have a great boss. I go to World Outreach Church and am striving to be the best Christian I can be.

My life is crazy busy. I work 40+ hours a week, football practice 4 nights a week and games on Saturday. We always have some kind of sports going on, baseball in the spring, football in the fall and winter. Being a single mom is hard, but it beats being married to my ex! That is a whole other story, one that I will not go into now or ever, but just let me sum it up by saying that I was young and stupid and I while I am so glad that I have Caleb, I should not have married his dad. Nuff said. Anywhoo, I have a great life and great friends and I could not be happier right now.

I know that some of you out there know my parents. They live in Jacksonville, Fl. Dad happily, mom not so much. She is getting used to it. She has a MySpace page if you want to say hi. You can find it through mine.

Currently, I am addicted to Big Brother. Ooh, and Big Love. I know, I know, it's all morally reprehensible and what not, but I can't help it. I think Bill Paxton is cute.

I don't know how good I am going to be at this blog thing... we shall see.
