Monday, August 24, 2009


I haven't posted in decades.

I can't remember everything that has happened since my last post, but the most important thing is that my sweet niece, Lorelai, arrived on Friday. She is soooo cute! Karen had a rough delivery via C-section - I won't go into detail. She can do that on her own blog. Lorelai Ann Blackwood was born on 8/21 at 2:40pm weighing 6lbs, 9oz and 19 inches long. She is totally adorable. So far, she doesn't cry much. She makes this sweet little whimper sound when she is hungry. I'm sure she will find her voice soon enough. I am anxious to see how my canine nephews, Jake and Copper, react to her. Copper is pretty chill and probably won't even notice. Jake, on the other hand, is pretty high-strung. He will probably flip out. Caleb just loves her. He said, "I'm an uncle!" I said, "no, babe, you're a cousin." He was a little disappointed but that quickly faded when he met her. He wanted to hold her forever. He didn't want to leave the hospital. So sweet.

I am back at work today after a long weekend. It's always hard to come back. Today has gone by quickly so far. Have a great day!!