Thursday, February 19, 2009


I know the title is a little boring. I couldn't think of anything more interesting.

Today in the office has been brutal. People can be so rude. We are overbooked - WAY overbooked - and people are still demanding to be seen. We can only do so much. I might cry today.

Life has been pretty boring lately. Caleb is starting to get the hang of his contacts. I had my hair colored dark red. I'm still not sure if I like it yet. Caleb hates it.

Hope all is well with everyone. Have a great day!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Stressful Saturday

Caleb got his contact lenses today. He was so excited when he got up this morning. He has terrible vision and he hates wearing glasses especially when he plays sports. His opthamologist told him he could get them when he turned nine. It did not go smoothly. It took him a very long time to get them in and he got very frustrated. I excused myself and went into the bathroom and prayed for him. I knew it would embarrass him if I did it in front of everyone. When he finally did get them in he was so happy. Then we got home and he rubbed his eye and one of them came out. It took another 45 minutes to get it back in and I ended up putting it in for him. We fought and I yelled at him. I felt terrible about that because I hardly ever yell at him. I apologized but the damage was done. He was so upset. He didn't speak to me for almost an hour. Please pray for Caleb. I don't want him to be discouraged. I hate to see him so frustrated and there isn't much I can do about it except pray for him and continue to encourage him. I know it will get easier in time and with practice. I have never worn contacts so I have no clue how to make it easier for him. Jay offered to come over and show him. I hope it helps.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Happy Friday

Today was so beautiful! I didn't want to go back to work after I went out for lunch.

I just signed Caleb up for baseball. I feel like fall ball just ended. I can't believe it's that time again. Luckily his coach is reserving him as a protected player this season so he won't have to try out and go through the draft. Because I work full time in Franklin it's really hard for me to get him to practice and games. He stays with the Bradfords after school. He has played football and baseball with Daniel Bradford since he started playing when he was five. Since Caleb stays with them he can ride to practice with them. This gets complicated at draft time. See, the kids have to try out for a baseball team. The coaches watch all the players on tryout day and then draw numbers to determine the picking order for the draft. Not to toot his horn (ok, I totally am), but Caleb is really good. He always makes a great showing at tryouts, therefore he gets drafted really high. If his coach - the only spring coach he has ever played for - doesn't get one of the first few picks, Caleb gets snatched by another team. Then I have to call the league and cause a fuss to get him moved, trades have to be arranged between Russ (his coach) and the coach that drafted him. It's a big ol' mess. So this season he will be a "protected player." The last time he was "protected" I had to sign a contract. I mean a real, legal contract stating that he would only play for his coach and that he couldn't be cut without my consent and the league's consent, blah, blah, blah. It's crazy. He's nine.

Anywho, I think I have about 2 more sports-free weeks before practice starts and then it's baseball almost immediately followed by football. He took a year off from football but has decided he wants to play again. So goes the life of a sports mom. Don't let this rambling post fool you. I love every minute of it.

Gotta go to the store and stock up on Shout Advance Gel. Those white practice pants aren't going to stay white on their own!

Oh, yeah! Happy Birthday to my wonderful "cousin" Brian. He will be 35 tomorrow and although he probably won't read this: Happy Birthday, Brian! I am so proud of you and love you. Have a wonderful day.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


My boss called out sick today. He's actually not sick but his wife and daughters are.

My day will be long and boring. So far I have done all of my regular work and played so much solitare that I am about to go blind. I have caught up reading all my blogs. I am waiting for lunch now so I can eat my leftover chili and then come back for another four hours of nothing at all.

Let's see... what's going on lately? Caleb is getting his contact lens exam on Saturday. He has been begging for contacts for two years. I wanted to make sure he was mature enough to handle them, and I think he is. With all the sports he plays, it just makes sense for him to have contacts. Glasses get in the way. They fall off and get broken. They are also hard to wear under a football helmet. He is so excited.

That's about it, I guess. I hope everyone has a wonderful day! Love y'all!