Tuesday, February 3, 2009


My boss called out sick today. He's actually not sick but his wife and daughters are.

My day will be long and boring. So far I have done all of my regular work and played so much solitare that I am about to go blind. I have caught up reading all my blogs. I am waiting for lunch now so I can eat my leftover chili and then come back for another four hours of nothing at all.

Let's see... what's going on lately? Caleb is getting his contact lens exam on Saturday. He has been begging for contacts for two years. I wanted to make sure he was mature enough to handle them, and I think he is. With all the sports he plays, it just makes sense for him to have contacts. Glasses get in the way. They fall off and get broken. They are also hard to wear under a football helmet. He is so excited.

That's about it, I guess. I hope everyone has a wonderful day! Love y'all!

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