Friday, August 31, 2007

Nervous for Nothing

My first rehearsal with the band went great! I totally rocked, and everybody said so. I don't know why I get so nervous. After I sang my second song, the drummer said "That song has sucked for seven years, until tonight." He was saying it to joke with and take jabs at the 2 ladies who usually sing lead on that song, but I still took it as a huge compliment. Everyone made me feel right at home and I had a lot of fun.

I am so very bored at work today. Matt is out, so it's just me today. I'm just answering the phone and refilling prescriptions for the next 6 hours. BOOOOORING! Caleb has a football game tomorrow at 3, which means I get to sleep late for the first time in I can't remember how long. Woo Hoo! He also needs a haircut. He's working on a white-man's afro right now. I just never have time to take him. I only like to take him to one place - Drake's Barber Shop in the 'Boro. That guy always cuts his hair right. He likes a flat top, super short on the sides, but not bald. I let my friend Chris cut his hair almost bald one time. Caleb looked like a make-a-wish kid. Anywho, He has school pics next week and football pics the next, so a haircut is a must. Come to think of it, I need one, too.

My Titans won last night! I didn't get to see much, but I heard it was great! I can't wait for the regular season. Also, my Vols play on Saturday night in prime time, thank you very much. I am going to Matt's house to watch it in HD. He won't be there, so Caleb and I will chill at his house for the evening. He has a great house - it should be fun.

Go Big Orange!! See y'all later!


wemmies said...

I wanna come hear you sang when you get goin good. :D I ain't heard you sang since the Friend's are friends forever if the Lord's the Lord of them *sniffle* *snort* incident! LMBO!!!!

I cut my boys hair the same way. It is a difficult haircut to get just right for some reason. Stupid hair cutting people. :P

At least the weather is suppose to be nice for football! YAY for sleeping in!!

Who's Matt?? *wink wink wink*

Sara said...

Matt is her happily married boss with two kids and another one on the way, lol.

Oh Manda I miss you. Only two more nights of babysitting then I am yours forever more. Yay we will get to watch Big Brother together next week! I can't believe tomorrow is my last Saturday of working!!