Wednesday, August 8, 2007

A Quick Funny...

On the way to football practice last night we were listening to the oldies station and that song by Queen "Another one Bites the Dust" came on and Caleb started singing along. Only he was singing "Another one fights the dust-AH" with great emphasis on the AH over and over again. I was cracking up on the inside - I didn't want him to stop so I couldn't laugh out loud. It reminded me of when Karen was little and she would sing "There's flour in the blood." Kids are funny.


wemmies said...

Maybe all the dustAH is causing him to have breathing issues. You should get him some Kotex. *snicker*

Kids are hilarious!

wemmies said...

Do you have On Demand? It is on there.
I am soooooo glad to hear someone else say they like Dick. I love Dick and Danielle. Though she is rather immature and whiny.
Eric is a douche bag but he is getting screwed over by being America's player. :?
I am curious to see if Jessica turns on him.. if not Kail is gone. Which I could really care less but Dick and Danielle need her for the numbers.
I liked Nick. He was totally gay. LOL! So was most of his top 5 guys! ;) :lol:

Karen said...

Ok, you know what, you can make fun of me all you want to. There were ALOT of funny stories that revolve around me! How else would sara be able to sing "thix year old perthon" all the time!

wemmies said...

Dick was mad! You can watch it on OnDemand. Dustin promised Amber she he would vote Eric out so she could keep her word that she gave Eric. Dustin voted Kail out. He lied to everybody. Dick asked him about it and he lied. He is questioning everybody to see who the lied. He can't figure it out. lol! I thought Eric was gone for sure. I think Dick and Danielle are on the way out now. Bummer. You could tell when Jessica won HOH. Eric went NUTZ!
You also missed a clip of "stars" saying they knew who Dick is.. so he isn't just a name dropper. LOL! It was neat.

Sara said...

I do sing that all the time, it's true, Karen Beth. And your mom always laughs because I used to sing "Marie exalt dee" instead of "We exalt thee."Lol. Dang we were cute kids.