Tuesday, August 26, 2008


First, thank you to everyone out there praying for my family. It means more than you know.

PaPa is not doing well. He is still in the hospital and is still very agitated and not eating. He doesn't recognize people and thinks my Mom is his sister. His blood pressure is up now and they are trying to get it down so they can send him home. Mom arrived safely and is at the hospital now. Please continue to pray.

On a lighter note, I have a praise report! Earlier this year when I did my taxes I found out that I was going to have to pay a huge chunk of change to the government. This was very frustrating to me because I really didn't have the extra money laying around, but that's the way it goes, I guess. So yesterday when I got home, I had a refund check in the mail for almost $500! Praise the Lord! I was shouting in my living room and running around waving the check thanking the Lord for such a wonderful blessing on what had been, until then, a really lousy day. God is soooo good all the time, and knows how to give you that extra boost of goodness right when you need it most. Thank you, Jesus.

Love y'all.


wemmies said...

SWEET! Was it the stimulus or just regular old refund or did you over pay? Either way, that is AWESOME!

Karen said...

YAY Manda!!!!

Amanda Bull said...

I guess I paid too much. I already got the stimulus.

Kasey said...

Yay Jesus!!