Monday, January 5, 2009

Rainy Monday

It's raining and cold. Yuck. I'm glad I work inside.

I played a practical joke on my boss (Matt) today. He doesn't know it yet. We have a sweet little patient who always brings us bags of microwave popcorn(already popped) when he comes in for his appointments. Matt hates the smell of buttered popcorn. It makes him sick. I ususally just throw it away after the patient leaves but today I thought I would do something fun. When Matt went into a room to see another patient, I took his car keys off his desk and took the popcorn out to his car. It will have been shut up in the car for a good 2 hours before he leaves tonight. He is going to kill me :)

I'll let you know if I still have a job tomorrow.

1 comment:

Tam said...

funny...this made me smile. hehe