Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Acute Radiation Toxicity

We got back from Florida on Monday and I drove myself straight to the emergency room. Yes, friends, I have sun poisoning. My feet and lower legs were so swollen I could barely walk. By the time I got to the ER my feet didn't even look like feet. They looked like large loaves of bread with toes sticking out. Huge! I was afraid that I had cellulitis, but the doctor said that he didn't think I had any infection - yet. He also said it was one of the worst cases of sun poisoning he had ever seen. He gave me pain meds and told me to take aspirin four times a day. I feel much better today. I was able to put a shoe on. It is still painful to walk, but much improved from Monday. For those of you just itching to lecture me on the value of sunblock, save it. I was wearing it. Only the bottom half of my legs got the scorching. The rest of me is a very pretty tan.

The wedding was beautiful. We had a really good time (aside from the sun poisoning) and Karen looked gorgeous. The weather was perfect. It was really hard to come back to work after being off for almost a week!

Mom and dad moved into their new house yesterday. It is so pretty. I am happy for them.

Not much else going on - Love y'all.


Tam said...

Oh man, sun poisoning....not fun at all. Glad your better though.

wemmies said...

Oh man... that sounds horrible.. the sun burn not the wedding or house. LOL!!

Congrats on the rest! :D

Kasey said...

young lady, i said not to lecture, so I thought I would joke with you and pre tend lecture. ;)