Thursday, June 12, 2008

Doctor Visits

Today I had 2 appointments. First, I went to the GYN for a small procedure. I have endometriosis. No big deal, but this procedure was slightly painful and I am still having some residual cramping. Funny story - I have been saying for weeks now "I am going to the gyno." Today as I was getting ready to leave, Caleb asked me, "Mom, what's a dino?" I said, "what?" He said, "you know, the 'dinotologist' that you are going to see today." LOL! I thought is was hilarious!

After the "dino" I went to the dermatologist. I had to have some skin tags removed from my neck. I am not a needlephobe by any stretch of the imagination, as I give shots everyday, and I don't mind getting them, either. However, when the nurse brought in the needles and scalpels today, I was surprised by how I freaked a little. I mean, considering that I am not a complete moron, and, in fact, have a medical license that allows me to use those same sharp objects on others, I should not have been surprised by the fact that Dr. Byers would need them in order to remove the nasty moles, yet I was still a little put-off by them. I got over it and didn't feel a thing and everything was fine, other than having what looks and feels like four HUGE insect bites on my neck.

Caleb has a baseball game tonight at 8:00. Man, that's late for an 8 year old to play. I guess since school is out it doesn't matter, but I am a very "early to bed" kind of girl, so we will get home past my bedtime. Oh, well. It's just one night.

Blessing - Each of my procedures went well today. Oh, and a day off from work!

Love y'all!

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