Monday, July 28, 2008

Weekend Fun

Happy Monday! I hope everyone had a great weekend. Caleb spent the night with his friend Ian on Friday, then Mom, Caleb, and I went to the Sounds' game Saturday night with Matt, Kami, Ian, Anna, and Isabella. The Sounds won and there were fireworks afterward. I love fireworks!

I can't believe it's almost time for school to start. I look forward to it because I feel like I have more of a routine then. During the summer when Mom is here and Caleb is out of school it's more relaxed, but I enjoy having a daily routine. First, I get up and take a shower. Then I wake Caleb up and get him ready, then breakfast, then teeth brushed and shoes on and out the door to pick up Daniel and head to school. Then I go to work and when I get off it's ball practice / games then home and homework, dinner, bath and bed. Same thing every day. It works well for me and Caleb.

August is going to be a busy month for us. Our weekends are already booked. This weekend we have family pictures on Saturday, then a family reunion on Sunday in Paris. The next weekend I have to make several huge banana puddings for a party on the 9th. The next week school starts and we are going to Gatlinburg with the Abbates and MacDonalds for the weekend. We are going to the new Wilderness in the Smokies resort and waterpark. Should be fun. By then, I will need a weekend away! The next weekend we have 2 birthday parties, and I'm sure ballgames will be starting then so I will be a busy bee!

Well, gotta run. I'm supposed to be working!

Love y'all!

1 comment:

Sara said...

You forgot to mention Howler as part of the morning =)