Tuesday, July 29, 2008

'Nother day...

Thanks for all the comments y'all left on my "memories" blog. Good memories. Good times.

Not much going on today. Matt doesn't see patients on Tuesday afternoons, so I am here answering the phone and filling scripts. Mostly boring stuff, so now I'm blogging so the world may be bored, too.

Erika blogged about her daugter singing "momma's gonna buy you a knocking bird" over and over. Too funny. It got me thinking about when Karen was little and she used to sing "there's flour in the blood" all the time. Those were the only words she knew, and she didn't even know them correctly. Caleb sings "Cat Scratch Beaver" and "Another One Fights the Dust-AH." When Amy was little she used to sing a song about a booger in the water. I think Jacinda made it up. I wish I could remember. Kids crack me up.

Anywhoo... Gotta run. Love y'all!


Sara said...

oh my Lord I just sang the booger song to Richie the other day!! there's a booger in the water and it's floatin?? very far, it's as green as the water?, it's as green as a car....or something like that. LOL.

Erika J. said...

sara used to sing 'hosaaaannah, blessed be the bock...'

Amanda Bull said...

LOL! Erika, I totally forgot about that!