Friday, November 21, 2008

Yay, Friday!

This weekend is going to be busy. Caleb decided he wanted a bedroom makeover for Christmas, so we are beginning the project this weekend. He never plays with most of the stuff in his room, so it's going to Goodwill or the landfill. Then I have to tear down his border and prime and paint. He is getting a new bed because the bunkbed he has is "too baby." We are doing a football theme. Mom and I bought him some Fatheads. They are these lifesize posters of athletes and the best part is that they are not permanent. They stick to the walls but you can take them down and move them around. His room is going to be a huge project, but it will be awesome when it's done.

After we clean out his room we are going to a movie to reward ourselves for our hard work.

Sunday its the Titans and the Jets. Go Titans!!!

Have a great weekend!!


Tam said...

Sounds fun! I love to re-do things in my house. You should post pics.

Kasey said...

They lost!! first time in the season too. My dad wasn't happy about it.