Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Proud Mom

I am very proud of Caleb. Anyone who know us know this. Last night, however, he made me very proud. Last summer he went on vacaction with another family to the Alabama gulf area. He had that same opportunity again this year. He had a blast last time. The have a huge home there and live down the road from a yacht club with pools and waterslides. They have a boat and take the kids out tubing and stuff. He loved it. This year it conflicts with his ball tournament. He had already made plans to go to Alabama but the tournament was schedule right in the middle of that same week. His ball team finished first in the regular season and has a chance to win it all. He had a very big decision to make. He told me last night that he could not let his team down because they were counting on him and he had made a commitment to the team and would not miss the tournament so he could go on vacation. I told him that it was up to him and it didn't matter to me one way or the other, but that if his decision was to back out of the trip, he would have to tell Matt himself. I sent Matt a text ahead of time asking him to call me. When he did, Caleb took the phone and went in his room. I tried to resist the urge to listen because he obviously wanted his privacy, but I couldn't help it. He told Matt the situation and the last thing he said was, "I'm really sorry, and thank you for inviting me." When he got off the phone he said, "Mom, that was the hardest thing I've ever done." He really wanted to go and did not want to dissapoint Matt. I told him that I knew it would be hard, but that's why I made him do it. I am so proud of him for putting what he wanted aside for the good of his team. I am glad he has that sense of resposibility. He really, really wanted to go but he just kept saying, "I can't let them down, Mom. They are counting on me. I can go on vacation anytime." What a great kid!!


Sara said...

He's so precious!

Karen said...

I am very proud too. He's growing up really fast.

Tam said...

awesome! you SHOULD be proud!