Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Crazy Week

This week has been a bit of a roller coaster. Thanks for all your prayers. They mean more than you know.

Yesterday I went to the Gyn. Fun stuff, right? I have endometriosis and it has gotten pretty bad. It is a very painful disorder and unless you have it, you have no idea how bad it can be. I had an ultrasound today. It was basically normal. I will most likely need surgery. It will be fine, though - I'm not worried at all. I'm just ready to feel better. I see the surgeon on the 29th, so keep me in your prayers. If I need surgery, I want to make sure it's the right surgeon.

Tomorrow I am going to the Preds game. It is Sara's birthday so we are going to celebrate with the Preds. Caleb and his friend Daniel are going, too. Dan has never been to a Preds game and Caleb is very excited to take him for the first time. Should be fun!

BTW - Tam and Kasey - your Christmas decorations are beautiful. If any of you haven't seen them, use the links on my blog. Very pretty!!



Tam said...

Awwwww, thanks, Amanda! Your so sweet!

Erika J. said...

i have a touch of endo. it was only discovered when i had my tubes tied though. i hope it doesn't get any worse.