Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Ruby Tuesday

It's cold and rainy. Yuck.

Mom will be here on Thursday so I need to go home tonight and clean my house. I also need to go to Kroger to get stuff for Caleb's Christmas party at school. I am responsible for the cheese cubes and juice boxes. His teacher is calling it a Christmas party. I love this because in the past they have only had "holiday parties." They are exchanging puzzles for gifts. I thought that was pretty neat, too.

I am almost finished Christmas shopping. I am expecting two gifts that I ordered online to arrive in the next day or so. After that, all I have to buy is the paint for Caleb's room. Mom is going to help me paint so it should go quickly. Karen and Jay brought a steamer over on Sunday so we could take down the border in his room. I tried to do it without the steamer - big mistake. It only took about 10 minutes once we steamed it. Now I have to spackle and sand so we can paint.

Not too much going on today - hope you all are doing well.

See you soon!


Kasey said...

His room is gonna look great!! its nice to be almost done with shopping.

wemmies said...

Uh.. before and after pictures are a must to remain in blogland.. else we will evict you. :D