Monday, April 6, 2009

Live... In HD!

Yesterday the Direct TV man came and installed my dish. I don't know how I've lived without it. Backtracking a bit - when I came home from vacation, Mom and Daddy had bought me and Caleb a new 42 inch LCD HDTV. Karen and Jay had installed it while I was away. Great surprise, huh? So I decided that I needed a new HD receiver for it. I decided to go with Direct because it's half the price of Comcast. So the guy came and installed it and he did so in time for me to order Wrestlemania 25 in HD. Caleb was thrilled! I have to say, HD is quite impressive. In fact, after four hours of HD wrestling, It was kinda shocking to go back to my bedroom TV. It looked fuzzy and out of focus. I have so many channels now that I am a bit overwhelmed by it all. Plus, the channel numbers are different than Comcast so it's hard to remember where everything is, but I will get used to it.

OK, I just got distracted. My friend at work, Rebekah, has a grandson named Jackson. He's three and absolutely hilarious. He and Rebekah's husband, Jim, came to visit. Jackson just said, "Hey, Mimi, let's play origami." Rebekah said, "What's origami?" He looked at her like she was completely stupid and said, "Uh, the Japanese art of paper folding." HE'S THREE! Bwahahaha! I lost it. Sheesh. That child!!

Anywho, I'm hoping Caleb's baseball game gets rained out. It's just too stinkin cold to be sitting on metal bleachers. They won their first game 17-4. The other team just didn't have a pitcher, bless their hearts. Caleb walked every single at-bat.

I hope everyone has a wonderful day! Love y'all!


Karen said...

I love that child!

Erika J. said...

we've tossed around the idea of getting dish. let me know if the weather effects it at all.

Karen said...

Erika, I have the dish also. The weather does effect it and it will go out but its ok because if you have the DVR option you can watch the hours of stuff you have recorded until it gets better.

Amanda Bull said...

Sunday night we were under a tornado watch. We had really heavy rain and wind and it didn't go out at all. I'm sure it has it's moments, but I used to lose Comcast at the drop of a hat, too, so it won't be any different to me.

Erika J. said...

you are talking to someone who is paranoid about storms. if my tv goes out while we're having bad weather, i will go into a panic. i better stick with our cable. we have cox. we don't usually have any issues with it.