Saturday, January 19, 2008

Thanks, Y'all!

Thanks to all for the encouraging comments on my last blog. You have no idea how much I needed it.

Today has been pretty dull. I cleaned the house, did lots of laundry. I am really bad about putting laundry off until I'm down to that last pair of drahs. You know, the ones you've had for years that don't quite fit and have that one spot that won't come out but they really are clean but you haven't gotten rid of them and always make them your last resort? Maybe that's just me. Anywho, lots of laundry.

Church was good tonight. I enjoy Saturday night service. We started our New Year's Series. It's a World Outreach tradition. It has an airport/travel theme so the courtyard looks like an airport terminal. They also had an airplane flying overhead with a light-up sign underneath it that announced the new series. The message was really good as well. He talked about fear. Did you know that the Bible uses the phrase "do not be afraid" more than 400 times?

The diet is going well. I have not cheated at all and I credit this to Jesus. I pray for the ability to resist temptation, because I love me some food. I am going to weigh on Wednesday, so we shall see how it goes. I will keep you posted.

Amy is downstairs eating green bean fries with ranch dressing and lobster tortellini from TGIFridays. Give me strength.

Love you all.

1 comment:

Erika J. said...