Thursday, January 31, 2008

Britney, Britney, Britney *shakes head*

I am so frustrated with Britney Spears and her acting like a retard. Seriously. She needs Jesus.

I have been sick for the last few days. I took a flu test today and it was negative, thank the Lord. I guess I just have the crud like everyone else. Mucinex and fluids for me! I called in sick to work yesterday. I hardly ever do that, to which my 208 hours of accrued sick time will attest. I probably should have stayed home today, too, but I can't stand the thought of going back to work to a big mess, and that's exactly what will happen if I stay gone too long. It's not that the others here are incompetent, they just don't do my job like I do and then doc gets all fussy and stuff is left undone and I have to clean it up. I do feel better today, but I know I could have used the rest. Oh, well.

Love Y'all.

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